Cubiks Assessments

Prepare for your next Cubiks test with tailor-made practice materials.

What is a Cubiks Test?

Cubiks is a talent management and assessment company that provides personalized aptitude and psychometric testing for businesses. It creates scientifically backed assessments for hiring and professional development to help employers identify talent and better understand how to support their employees to reach their full potential.

The psychometric tests are tailored to the specific needs of the company and the job role, so there is a wide range of different skills and traits that they assess. This means that the tests will differ depending on the type of job you're applying for.

This test may be unsupervised either online or at an assessment center.

Cubiks Logiks Tests

The Cubiks Logiks General tests are broader ability assessments that are used in the recruitment process to determine the cognitive processing capabilities of prospective employees. These tests cover numerical, verbal, and abstract reasoning, and come in two main levels of difficulty:


On the intermediate ability test, there are 50 questions: 24 verbal, 16 numerical, and 10 abstract. Overall the test will take 12 minutes and 4 minutes are allotted to each section.


On the advanced test there are fewer questions, 30 overall with different question types - 12 verbal, 8 numerical, and 10 abstract. However, the questions are significantly harder and this is reflected by the time given, which is 20 minutes for the advanced test with 8 minutes allotted to verbal and numerical sections, and 4 minutes to the abstract reasoning section.

As well as the Logik General tests, which combine the three different cognitive areas into one test, Cubiks also provides advanced level tests for each area.

Logiks Abstract Tests

This type of cognitive test assesses your problem-solving and spatial logic abilities. Usually, the questions are presented in the format of diagrammatic reasoning, which will show you shapes and patterns, and you will have to identify which image follows the rule of the sequence.

While the type of problems given will be similar between the intermediate and advanced tests, the advanced one will be of a much higher difficulty. If you are taking the specific Logiks Abstract it will consist of 30 questions in a 15-minute time limit, giving you less time to solve more complex questions.

Logiks Numerical Tests

Numerical reasoning tests are becoming a standard part of the hiring process within the financial section as they assess your ability to work with and interpret numerical information, particularly when presented in graphs, diagrams, and statistical tables.

The standalone Logiks numerical test is 25 minutes long and has 20 questions on it. For many people, the time limit is one of the most challenging aspects of numerical tests as you have to work quickly but carefully in order not to make simple mistakes.

Logiks Verbal Tests

Strong communication skills are essential in any workplace and verbal reasoning tests are a popular way of testing candidates' language capabilities. These are not grammar or spelling tests, but assess comprehension and critical thinking when it comes to verbal information. Typically, questions are formatted as long blocks of text and comprehension questions, which ask you to identify key information or infer answers from the information you are given.

The Logiks advanced verbal test has 36 questions and you are given 25 minutes to complete them. Again, these tests are designed to be challenging, particularly when it comes to time restrictions. Employers are looking to see how well you perform under pressure and manage your time.

Cubiks Situational Judgement Tests

Many employers now use situational judgement tests in order to assess suitability to a workplace environment and the social aspects of a role. During these tests you will be presented with a brief description of a hypothetical scenario that is likely to arise during your job, then you will be asked to rank multiple responses to the situation in order of most to least effective.

These tests can be a helpful indicator of your behavioural traits, decision-making process, and conflict resolution style, but can also be a good insight into what the job will be like for you.

PAPI Personality Assessments

PAPI stands for personality and performative index. They are personality assessments, which take a more in-depth look at behaviors and preferred work styles to help find the most suitable candidates for a position or help an employer to better support their team.

The Cubiks Factor test can be given alongside the PAPI tests and is a shorter test that is based on the big 5 personality traits.

PAPI N test

The PAPI N (normative) is often used as a candidate pre-screening test and has no time limit, but usually takes 25-35 minutes to complete. You will be given a series of statements and asked how much you agree or disagree.

Although there are no right or wrong answers, the tests will be compared against desired behaviors or a control group to select the most suitable candidates.

PAPI I test

The PAPI I (Ipsative) is also known as a "forced answer" test as you are asked to choose an answer that describes you the most and one that describes you the least. This test will be more focused and show your workplace behavior and preferred working style.

Often these are used as part of a professional development plan but are also used during the later stages of the hiring process. Again, there is no time limit for the PAPI I, however, they usually take 30-35 minutes for most people to complete.

Which Financial Employers use Cubiks tests?

The most common use of Cubiks tests is as a pre-interview screening tool, so you are most likely to be given your test early on during the application process. Some of the major companies that use Cubiks tests for candidate screening are:

How to Prepare for and Pass Cubiks tests

Aptitude tests are now an important part of the hiring process and are often used to cut a huge percentage of applications during the initial and early stages. Therefore, being as prepared as possible for them can give you a significant advantage when it comes to landing your dream job. Here are some of our tips on how to prepare for and pass the Cubiks tests:

  • 1. Find out as much as possible about which tests you will be taking. While the test specifics are tailored to each company and role, you should find out which type of Cubiks test you have to take. This will help you know what to focus on.

  • 2. Check your equipment beforehand. Most tests are given online, which means that checking your internet connection and computer are working properly before you get started can save you a lot of stress.

  • 3. Prepare your workspace. If you need a calculator, note paper, pens, etc., make sure to get all of these things ready in advance and set up the space where you are planning to take the test.

  • 4. Manage your time efficiently. While it is important to take care while answering the questions, many people waste too much time stuck on one question instead of moving on. Remember to pay attention to your timings so you can answer as many questions as possible, and come back to the ones you find most difficult at the end.

  • 5. Most importantly: practice. The more practice you can do, the better you will perform in the real thing. Practice tests and sample questions help you to become comfortable with answering questions under time pressure and prepare you for the type of questions that you might encounter.

Sample Cubiks Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

If you find a discrepancy in a serial number where the sequence '51432B' has been entered as '51432D', what kind of error is this?

  • Numeric error
  • Alphabetic error
  • Typographical error
  • Omission error

What is the total of the weekly sales figures for the past month if in the first week the sale was 320 units, the second week increased by 20%, the third week sales dropped by 10 units, and in the fourth week, it doubled from the first week?

  • 1280 units
  • 1384 units
  • 1464 units
  • 1520 units

If the repeated pattern in the data is to add 4, subtract 2, multiply by 3, and divide by 2 in sequence, what would be the next number after applying these operations to the starting number 5?

  • 9
  • 13.5
  • 7
  • 15

In reviewing a document, if 'their' should have been used instead of 'there,' which type of error has been made?

  • Typographical error
  • Grammatical error
  • Punctuation error
  • Spelling error

When given a dataset of monthly expenditures, you notice that the total for April and May is represented as $5,760. If May's expenditure was $2,880, by what percentage did April's expenditure vary as compared to May?

  • Increased by 100%
  • No change
  • Decreased by 50%
  • Decreased by 100%

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Cubiks Assessments Tips

Understand the Cubiks Approach

Cubiks designs assessments with a blend of business psychology and HR expertise. When practicing with Fintest, get familiar with how these tests might evaluate your competencies, problem-solving skills, and personality traits. This understanding will give you an edge as you'll know what employers are looking for when they use Cubiks tests.

Simulate Real Exam Conditions

Practicing under exam-like conditions helps you manage time efficiently and reduces test-day anxiety. On Fintest, you can take timed practice exams that emulate the Cubiks testing environment, which will help you get comfortable with the pacing and pressure of the actual exam.

Review Your Answers

After completing practice tests on Fintest, it’s crucial to go back and review your answers. Understand why certain answers were incorrect and solidify the concepts you're already good at. This review process is a valuable learning tool and will help reinforce your knowledge for future assessments.

Focus on Your Weaknesses

While you're reviewing, identify areas where you consistently score lower and dedicate more time to improving these skills. Fintest offers a variety of practice questions tailored to the different segments of Cubiks assessments, allowing you to focus your efforts where they are most needed.

Stay Relaxed and Confident

It's natural to feel nervous before a test, but staying calm can greatly improve your performance. As you practice with Fintest, you'll build confidence in your abilities, which will help you to stay relaxed during the actual assessment. Remember, consistent practice leads to better performance and higher confidence levels.

Level up

Choose the package that works for you.


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  • 12 Aptitude packages
  • 20 Admissions packages
  • 162 Employer packages
  • 17 Publisher packages
  • Dashboard performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips, tricks, guides and resources

  • Access to free tests
  • Basic performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips and resources

Cubiks Assessments FAQs

How long is a Cubiks assessment?

The Logiks General (intermediate) is just 12 minutes, while the advanced level is 20 minutes.

The Logiks advanced (verbal and numerical) are both 25 minutes.

There is no time limit on the PAPI tests, they generally take 20-35 minutes.

Are Cubiks tests hard?

The assessments need to be challenging to effectively filter out the strongest candidates. However the level of difficulty depends on many factors, for example, if you are taking the intermediate or advanced tests, how much practice you have done, and the skill level of the role you are applying for.

How are they scored?

Your test will be scored on correct answers (there is no negative marking), accuracy, and speed, and then given a percentile score for these as well. This is generated by comparing against all of the other scores to show how well you performed against the whole group.

PAPI tests do not have correct answers, but your PAPI N will be compared against other applicant's answers to choose the most suitable candidates. PAPI I test results are usually only used for personal development reasons, therefore aren't compared to other people's tests.

Can I fail a Cubiks PAPI test?

As previously mentioned, personality tests do not have right and wrong answers, therefore they are impossible to fail. However, employers are usually looking for a certain type of personality and work preferences, which means that you can attempt to give the answers that show you have the desired qualities.


What our customers say about our Cubiks Tests

  • United Kingdom

    December 20, 2021

    What’s happening whilst the sequence is going

    The shapes were a bit confusing and I didn’t really understand how to answer the questions properly. But I tried my best and that’s all that matters, and hopefully I did good on the test.

  • United States of America

    April 06, 2022


    The separation between the pattern and the options to fill in the blank is a bit indistinct at times!

  • Malaysia

    March 15, 2022

    Super tough but interesting

    This test is fun and interesting. Might train one's mind in recognising pattern better. Would love to learn more about it!

  • Zambia

    January 03, 2023


    It is not complicated however, it requires someone to think a bit in order to understand the logic. This kind of test is welcome to me in the sense that it helps to have your mind sharp in decision making as far as well managerial and administrative obligations are concerned