Pearson/TalentLens Assessment

Prepare for your next Pearson test with tailor-made practice materials.

Pearson owns the TalentLens platform, which provides a range of aptitude tests used by many financial employers. These tests include DAT Next Generation and Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test (BMCT-ll), Watson Glaser and SOSIE 2nd Generation. All of these tests help employers to find the best talent possible when recruiting. Here are the tests Pearson produces:

Watson Glaser

The Watson Glaser test presents you with limited information in order to evaluate how you process information and make decisions. The test also offers an opportunity to show your ability to think outside the box, which is why it is most commonly used by law firms and other professional practices.


A RANRA (rust advanced numerical reasoning appraisal) most often accompanies the Watson Glaser test when employers are recruiting for a more senior or managerial role. Similar to the Watson Glaser test, it assesses critical thinking but uses numerical reasoning to do so.

Iris situational judgement

Designed for graduates, this test lays out common workplace scenarios and asks the challenging questions that require you to make decisions.

Pearson numerical reasoning assessment

A new addition to the Pearson TalentLens portal, this test is based on a numerical reasoning assessment. But it introduces some new concepts that you might not have seen before.


SOSIE is designed to measure a candidate’s personal values and personality traits. Tests like these help employers to determine whether you’re a good fit for the role and company you’re applying for.

Raven’s progressive matrices

This non-verbal aptitude test is designed to measure your lateral thinking and problem solving skills.

Sample Pearson/TalentLens Assessment question Test your knowledge!

Score: 0/5

When constructing an argument, it is important to:

  • Ignore any potential counterarguments to your position
  • Focus on emotional appeal rather than factual information
  • Only present evidence that supports one side of the issue
  • Consider both sides of an issue and use evidence to support your position

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Great website. The support is super quick and comprehensive. Would recommend to anyone.

Marcus used Fintest to help pass his aptitude tests for Accenture.


Pearson/TalentLens Assessment Tips

Understand the Test Format

Familiarize yourself with the types of questions and structure of Pearson tests. Knowing what to expect can significantly reduce test anxiety.

Practice Time Management

Time is of the essence in these exams. Practice under timed conditions to improve your speed and efficiency.

Sharpen Your Problem-Solving Skills

Many Pearson tests assess critical thinking; working on puzzles and other problem-solving activities can be beneficial.

Free Practice on Fintest

You can access free practice tests of these types of exams on Fintest to get a real feel for the challenges you'll face.

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Pearson/TalentLens Assessment FAQs

How are the results of the Pearson tests used by employers?

Employers use the results of Pearson tests to identify your strengths and areas for development. These insights help them to determine if you're the right fit for the job and the company culture, ensuring they invest in the most suitable candidates.

Are the Pearson tests hard?

The difficulty of Pearson tests can vary based on the type and your familiarity with the subject matter. However, they are designed to challenge applicants and measure a range of competencies accurately. Proper preparation can help ease the difficulty.

What do I need to take Pearson tests?

Generally, you'll need a computer, a stable internet connection, and a quiet environment. Some Pearson tests may require a specific set of tools or software, so it's best to check the requirements for the test you'll be taking.

What types of tests are included in the Pearson tests?

Pearson tests include a variety of assessments, from numerical and verbal reasoning to personality and situational judgement tests. Each is designed to measure different skills that are important in the financial sector.

Where can I practice free Pearson test questions?

The best way to prepare for Pearson tests is to practice, and Fintest offers a wealth of practice tests to help you do just that. Our site provides an extensive range of free practice questions that mirror those found on the actual Pearson exams.


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  • United States of America

    December 20, 2021

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    Like in ballet, it's easier to see the pattern when you are farther from the stage. These images were too large and eye-shift became the limiting factor.